Are IT workers professional YES or NO? Then why? -,_yes, because they were the person who better knows about this matter, They were professional for me because I know that they were the one who will teach us to have a knowledge about in INFORMATION & TECHNOLOGY, they spread out on what they learn to share the knowledge they've got!. -,_and I know that someday we will be also an IT professionals because of them!
I was planning to buy new cellphone that has many features such as Dual Sim, Fm radio, digital camera, blue tooth & infrared but, it was too much expensive than the other brand and unit. So, To choose the best decision in buying cellphone I will be using the 7 steps in Ethical Decision Making. First I will consider the possible facts about the cellphone by comparing their advantages & disadvantages among the different units of cellphones. second, is if I will be choosing one, I will be ask to myself "Is it more useful than the other one?". third, I will be needing another gadget. fourth,If I want to listen music I need to use electric radio. fifth,Choose the more useful. finally,I can use more easy and less gadget.